The lowly shall be lifted, and the tyrant torn from his throne.
These words offer hope, but also a way of living—a way of being communities of faithful people called together by grace to transform oppression into liberation, and a way to witness and testify in word and in deed to the God who champions the poor and the oppressed and the downtrodden.
So often, our faith traditions get sugar-coated, and watered down—our salt loses its saltiness, and what good is it? We hear "I have a dream," but we pretend the nightmare is over. Even worse, our faith traditions, rooted in stories and experiences of liberation from slavery and deliverance of God's people from the hand of oppression all too often become co-opted and manipulated, used to oppress women and people of color and the poor, used to bring death, rather than life.
Faith for the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was both a motivator and a deep well of life giving sustenance, calling him again and again to the liberating work of the Gospel, driving him back to the fight for liberation and justice and civil rights. My favorite account of this is in his description of his “kitchen table experience,” though in any sermon or speech he gave, you can hear faith dripping from his words.

Although faith for Rev. Dr. King was central and inseparable from the his work, the church itself, and countless people of faith have often used that same faith—those same stories and songs and prayers to distract people from the work of liberation, to downplay justice here and now in exchange for the promise a life hereafter or of an inner peace.
The clergy of SOUL and IIRON believe that this is a tragedy, as well at outrageous. No matter what name we use for God, if we use that name to oppress or devalue or simply ignore other human beings, we are using that name in vain, and need to be called to repentance and redirection, especially if we lead congregations, and shape the faith of the church now, and into the future--calling for the life of the world, and the well-being of all.
I hope you’ll join us Saturday. The Grand Ballroom. 6351 S. Cottage Grove, Chicago. 9:30AM.

See you Saturday!
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