Sunday, January 22, 2017

Confession and Absolution for a Time of Nationalism

Friends, I've been writing some liturgical things, and editing others the last few weeks. Thought I'd share this week's in case you'd like to use. Use freely. Please just write in a footnote: From a liturgy created for the community of First Lutheran Church of the Trinity in Chicago. Thanks, all! Peace. -tom


God spoke beauty into chaos, and life came to light.
Speak into our lives, oh God of Love.
God tendended Paradise, where humans run and play,
where fruit was ripe, and stomachs are full.
Speak into our lives, oh God of Love.
We chose violence, God called for Love.
Speak into our lives, oh God of Love.
We chained one another, God lead the deliverance, in the wilderness, through the Sea.
Speak into our lives, oh God of Love.
We felt no hope. God loved the world.
Speak into our lives, oh God of Love.
Our bones were brittle. God became flesh.
Speak into our lives, oh God of Love.
God dwells among us, calling us to the Garden,
to Feast and to share the fruits of the earth,
to the Promised place where lion lies down with lamb,
where people make rakes and tractors out of tanks and guns.
Speak into our lives, oh God of Love.
God of grace and God of glory, on your people, pour Thy power.
Speak into our lives, oh God of Love.
Bless this assembly, as we gather in your Name.

In the name of the Creator, the Christ, and the Holy Spirit. AMEN.


God of Love, you call us from our tribes, our families, our nations, beyond self preservation to a vision of your Love and abundance for all people, for all of creation. Show us again what it means to love. Give us courage to reconfigure our lives and our world so that our every action might point to you.  We confess that we often retreat to the comfort of isolation and fear. We confess that we hide behind fences, and that we hide others behind bars and walls. In so doing, we do not see you in one another, do not love you in “the least of these.” In so doing we hide ourselves from you, and Paradise withers. Deliver us from evil, within and without. Free us from the bondage of fear. Move us to confront all that would separate us from life together, and from the promise of your abundance, trusting that there is nothing that can separate us from your Love. Create in us a new heart that longs for your Reign, the Garden of Life, where all are at peace and all are able to eat. In Jesus’ Name. AMEN.

In Christ, we find God dwelling among us, walking with us on our way. In flesh, Christ knows our struggles. On the cross, God knows our pain. Christ is within you and among you. “Greater is the one who dwells in you than the one who dwells in the world (1 John 4:4).” “Cast your burdens unto Jesus (1 Peter 5:7).” May your shame be removed. For your guilt is replaced. Receive in its stead God’s grace and love, and a desire for God’s call to the Reign of Love. In the name of Christ, all your sins are forgiven. In the name of the Creator, the Christ, and the Holy Spirit. AMEN.  

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